Monday, 30 April 2012

Cake anyone ?

I just had to show you all these lovely little fancies (not sure why they are called that)
 Everywhere you go at the moment there are union flags displayed, all ready for the Olympic Games and of course these would be perfect if your having a street party.
Or just simply a good old fashioned afternoon tea
I wouldn't normally blog about actual brands unless I think they derserve a mention,

                      Thanks Mr Kipling I can look at my cake and eat it yeh it's vegetarian.
 The sun is shining here at last, I thought I was going to grow web feet, I still need wellies for the garden though, DROUGHT WHAT DROUGHT :)

Have a good week wherever you are Cate x

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Come for a walk

 I remembered to take my camera yesterday when I took the dog for a walk. I didn't take many but thought you would like to see the wildlife, don't you just love clouds? or am I on my own here?
  I love this tree which means you may have seen it before :)
I waited and waited but didn't see the woodpecker.
 A little wildlife, well what did you expect :) I always think Dandelions are pretty.
Spring has sprung
Not sure how old these ploughs are
The scary wildlife a lovely little newt
Hawthorne blossom
 And back home
 For a nice cup of tea
  I can't believe how cold it is today, the wind off the water felt like ice this morning.
 I am still slogging away at the course work. I think the novelty has worn off now, infact I'm just about to get to work, so here's hoping your all well and happy
 bye for now
Cate x