Friday, 9 April 2010

Computers are a pain

I had planned to post some photo's today but the computer is having a sulk and has been taken away for a good telling off, fingers crossed it's nothing too bad.

I did buy a lovely Flower Fairies jug today plus a few other things, one being a large 1940's mirror shaped like a butterfly. It's so heavy,  and I don't know where it's going to live but it was one of those must have moments and it only cost me £3.

Hope you all enjoyed the lovely sunshine today, I cut the lawn for the first time, its a bit like coming out of hibernation for me.                          

So here's a bunch of lovely Spring flowers for you all
bye for now Cate x



Jille said...

Thankyou for dropping by and leaving a comment. Now all is well with the curtains I can laugh about it! Imagine someone blogging about my curtains - doesn't do to think about!
Jille x

Linda said...

You made me smile when you mentioned your computer. I have a nine year old computer, which I affectionately call Ralf. I call him this because he can be Really Awkward and Leaves me Frustrated, but I love him dearly, even though he is old and slow (I'm sure I'll be like that at some point!) I hope to trade him in for a new one shortly, but while he still works (!) we shall carry on!